04 June 2007

What is Love?

I guess it means different things to different people. To me personally, I think it's the one person you absolutely can't do without.

I see life as continuous growing experience. A relationship adds a new dimension. That new dimension inspires you to be better than you ever imagined. It is your loudest critic and your strongest supporter at the same time.

So to be ready to think about the dimension, I think it's important that two people really know and understand what they want for themselves, individually before deciding what they want from each other and as a couple collectively.

This certainly puts a pragmatic twist to Love. I can say that at least one thing that isn't practical is the chemistry between two people. To me, that is pure coincidence and it doesn't happen with everyone.

I'm always going to be one of those fools who believe that the person I end up with will be THE person, for I believe that no matter the circumstances and no matter the hardships, the collective will of two people, either consciously or sub-consciously (luck) will ensure that they end up together.

To sum it up, to me, Love is a combination of coincidence, being at peace with ourselves, knowing what we want and a dash of good luck.

It eludes me.

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