17 June 2014

A dedication to 16 June 2008

Six years ago today...
...I was quietly hopeful that love would find me and I would find love.
...I was scared that may be I will lose hope.
...I could not comprehend happiness, the kind that touches your soul.

...I am in love more than ever before.
...I am more in love with every passing moment and it is true everytime it is said and thought.
...I revel in happiness of a kind that I could not comprehend existed.

What happened between six years ago today and today is an embrace,
An embrace of love, affection, friendship and respect.
My dreams from before have had a kiss of life and they live in a perfect world,
A world that is happier than every imagination imagined, every dream dreamt.

Six years ago today, I wanted it to be today, everyday.