09 October 2007

Conversations between the heart and the mind 1

Enduring the pain Vs Shortcuts to paradise
(Lessons learnt from dreams undone)


heart: okay, I like this person, i should tell them and see what happens
mind: give it more time, don't get carried away, be patient

heart: she seems to like me, I should go out of my way to make it known that I like her
mind: be good to yourself before you are to others. Have some ego. You'll end up looking desperate.

heart: so am i ?
mind: Well, yes and no. Yes, when you feel like something could happen, there is a tendency to go overboard. No, because you know what you want and you would not do it with just about anyone. They have to be something

heart: But I want to be happy
mind: So does everyone, but how you approach it and how you handle and carry yourself is important.

heart: So I should cut back my natural instincts, be less impulsive and take my time to do anything ?
mind: Give it time, be yourself, but less creepy.

heart: But I'm really excited this could be happening
mind: If you get ahead of yourself, you deny yourself the chance to explore the possibility of something happening.

heart: i seem to operate in extremes.
mind: its good to be excited and its good to look forward to something. Don't expect too much out of it and don't get overwhelmed by it. Stay in control, keep it under check, and if it really is the right time and person, whatever has to happen will happen.

heart: Is it wrong to be really really happy about something ?
mind: No it isn't. But always know that this state of total happiness is not easy to achieve with everyone and the more you look for it, the more it eludes you. You may think that you have stumbled upon it, and want to accelerate towards it , but that will not happen. That total happiness comes only when you have given it time, understood and appreciate the person and the situations. Its not something you stumble upon, it is something you work towards.

heart: I feel sad and lonely
mind: Its better to wait for the person who likes you for you, looks at things the same way as you, than rush and be with someone who doesn't understand or appreciate you. The wait is a short-term endurance for something good long term. The rush is a stop-gap solution leading to compounded misery

heart: yeah, but ...
mind: That's the truth, get over it, live with it.

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